Actuaries Institute Australia

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Excess mortality 5% higher than pre-pandemic expectations for 2023

The latest Mortality Working Group analysis shows that total excess mortality for 2023 is 5% or +8,400 more deaths than expected if the pandemic had not happened.

More than half of the year-to-date excess mortality is due to deaths from COVID-19 (+4,600 deaths – more than 10 times the number of deaths from influenza), with another +1,500 COVID-19 related deaths, and the remaining excess of +2,300 deaths had no mention of COVID-19 on the death certificate.

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Australian Actuaries Climate Index

The Australian Actuaries Climate Index reached a record level across Australia during autumn, driven by extreme rainfall across the east coast and high temperatures in northern Australia. Find out more.


Monthly COVID-19 Mortality Analysis

Read the latest blog by our Mortality Working Group that examines that total monthly excess mortality rates by age, gender, state and nationally, and the leading cause of Death in Australia.